• Fifty short case vignettes which each require a social work decision
  • Case vignettes are grouped into three instrumental professional values categories:
    • Confidentiality
    • Self-Determination
    • Social Justice
  • Each vignette is evaluated by a 7-point, anchored scale which illustrates strong preference for either adopting an action in response to the case, or in not adopting it.

The Social Work Values Inventory (both the Entrance and Exit versions), however, is currently discontinued. In a note below from Cathy Pike, the author of the instrument, she explains that it is due for a “tune-up”. BEAP users have provided much good feedback on this instrument over the eight years we have used it, and it is time for revision. Unlike the other BEAP instruments, however, a revision of the SWVI will require reliability testing, necessitating some “down time”. Here is Cathy’s message for those of you who wish clarification on this process, please contact her:




“For the past 14 years, the Social Work Values Inventory (SWVI) has been available to baccalaureate programs for their use in evaluating students’ changes in adherence to basic social work values over time as they complete academic studies.

I very much appreciate your on-going support and use of the SWVI, which was the subject of my dissertation and my very first instrument development research. I hope I have learned a few new things on instrument development and psychometric testing since then, and I want to put this new knowledge to work on creating an even better means of measuring professional values. It is, therefore, necessary to end use of the current SWVI. When a revised instrument is developed and ready for distribution, I will make it available to programs through the Office of Education Assessment, at Indiana University, School of Social Work.

Again, thank you so very much for your support and use of the SWVI. I have learned so much from having had the opportunity to work with all of you and wish you the very best in the future.

Sincerely yours,

Cathy King Pike, Ph.D., MSW
Indiana University School of Social Work
Office: 317.278.0388
E-mail: ckpike@iupui.edu”